Arturo Moncada-Torres

PhD Researcher

KU Leuven
Experimental Oto-rhino-laryngology (ExpORL)
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurosciences
Onderwijs en Navorsing (O&N) 2
Herestraat 49, bus 721
3000 Leuven, Belgium



Arturo Moncada-Torres started his PhD studies in July 2014 as part of the program in Biomedical Sciences in the ExpORL at KU Leuven, Belgium.
Born in 1988 in Mexico City, Mexico, he received his BSc degree in Biomedical Engineering (with focus on Instrumentation) with First Class Honors from the Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico City, Mexico) with his thesis “Activity Classification on Healthy Subjects using an Enhanced IMU” in 2012. Furthermore, he received his MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering (with focus in Bioimaging) from ETH Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland) with his thesis “MR Measurements of Dynamic Changes in Aortic Vessel Area and Pulse Wave Velocities Induced by Simulated Obstructive Apnoea of 4D-MRI Data” in 2014.
His current interests lie in biologically-inspired modelling for bilateral cochlear implants and hearing aids using Digital Signal Processing techniques.


Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

Y. Kim, A. Moncada-Torres, J. Ferrer, M. Riesch, R. Gassert, “Quantification of White Cane Usage Characteristics of People with Visual Impairment”. Submitted.

A. Moncada-Torres, K. Leuenberger, R. Gonzenbach, A. Luft, R. Gassert, “Activity classification based on inertial and barometric pressure sensors at different anatomical locations”. Physiological Measurement, vol. 35, 2014, p. 1245-1263.
[BibTeXPDF (Open Access)]

Panel-reviewed Posters

R. R. Gonzenbach, K. Leuenberger, A. Moncada-Torres, R. Gassert, A. R. Luft, “ReSense – wearable sensor modules to monitor movement and activities of daily life in stroke patients over extended time periods”. SFCNS Congress 2013.

Foto Arturo Moncada-Torres